Burrum Heads is located approximately 300 kilometres from the Queensland state capital, Brisbane and only 30 minutes outside of Hervey Bay, this little seaside village is a destination in its own right for visitors. It is a very peaceful and tranquil area.
There are rivers and creeks to explore by boat or kayak and the water is clear and beautiful.
Life moves slowly at Burrum Heads, very slowly, which makes this sleepy village a great place to go for a relaxing getaway. Burrum Heads is located at the southern entrance of the mouth of the Burrum River. There are extensive sand flats, beach channels and mangrove lined waterways.
The main road at Burrum Heads runs virtually right through the the center of the towns caravan park, but the roads are that quiet that it does not really matter.
I had my kayak with me at Burrum and it is a wonderful place to explore on the water.
The first image here is of boats on the river which is very wide at this point. This image is captured with a 24-120mm zoom lens.

The next image is of some of the mangrove lined backwaters around the edges of the river banks, it was excellent here for exploring and looking for water birds. This image is with a 28mm wide angle lens. I love meandering around these backwaters in the kayak to see what I can find.

The third image here below, is again of some of the boats on the river with the moon in the distance, it appears that quite a few people live on these boats. This image was with the 50mm lens.

Below is a Noisy Miner hunting for some water from the taps on a very hot day. In hot weather birds are always hunting around looking for water. Captured with a 200-500mm lens.

While I was at Burrum Heads there was a Supermoon, so I was able to get out my tripod, long lens and remote shutter release cable to get a few images of the moon as in the following two images.

I also attempted to get an image showing part of the Moon beams reflected from the water. The two Moon images were also captured with the wonderful 200-500mm lens. Again the moon shots were with the Nikkor 200-500mm lens.

Near the edge of the mangroves there was a couple of boats, derelict and wrecked on the shoreline, captured with the 300mm lens.

During this trip I was able to photograph many birds. Along the Burrum river there are a great number of birds, but it would be very hard to access these spots without the kayak. The first bird below is the Brahminy Kite, a beautiful bird of prey. All the following bird shots were with my 300mm f/4 lens.

The next bird image is a Pied Cormorant perched high up on a branch and there was quite a number of these cormorants along the river edges.

While paddling in the kayak a flock of ibis birds flew overhead which I was able to photograph.

As usual in most of the rivers in this area there are plenty of pelicans and they are a good bird to try to catch their different expressions.

Another couple of pelicans in the act of preening themselves.

For all the above images I used a variety of lenses as follows:
- Nikkor 24-120mm, f/3.5-5.6G,
- Nikkor 28mm, f/1.8G,
- Nikkor 50mm, f/1.4G,
- Nikkor 300mm f/4D,
- Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E.
The camera used for all the images was the Nikon D810.
For more information on these lenses including reviews and sample images take a look at the lens review links at the end of this Blog.
All the lenses used in this Blog are highly recommend from my experience and can be purchased at B&H below